BEST Wedding Gift

Who’s already married and/or who’s contemplating marriage?

Ladies, congrats to you if you have found your Prince Charming. One important question for you though….”How do you know if he really loves you?” Is it because he said so? Or maybe he buys you tons of gifts?

Well, I’ve no doubt that if he proposed to you, he does love you. However, he might not know how to love you correctly. Confused? Let me explain…

Loving you is a lifetime thingy. Love is a verb. It is not love you today, will see how it goes tomorrow. Loving you is taking responsibility of your well being for 3 days — yesterday, today and tomorrow. Loving you means you will be taken care of regardless of whether he is alive or not. Being deceased does not absolve one of responsibilities especially if the family has multiplied (including children). Husbands, you cannot tell your wife that if you are no longer around, she should return to her parents to be cared for.

Husbands, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY now and forever more.

Wives-to-be, has your future spouse presented you your best friend aka diamond? But how is a diamond going to care for your needs if he is no longer around?

*Pause* we are not trying to spread bad messages in the midst of blessings of marriage. Rather we wish to highlight a fact of life that wives need to be cared for and it is the responsibility of husbands! That’s love!

Coming back to our conversation….won’t it be fantastic that he gives you a “gift” that will pay for all your needs….to the extent of maintaining the lifestyle that you wish/want for years years and years? That will certainly give you absolute peace of mind and heart.

How do we do that, you ask? Make your hubby prepare a “love letter”. Not just penning a love letter but preparing a love letter that pays you cash! This is more significant than any diamonds, shoes, bags that he can give you. Of course, we are not advocating not to receive those very nice gifts but merely position it in priority.

Before diamonds, bags, shoes, etc, have this love letter DONE which will pay for your basic needs — food, clothing, shelter, bills and then the wants aka bags, shoes, etc.

Where to find this love letter? How to prepare it?

At NICKG Financial Designer, we make it easy and simple for you. Talk to us and we will make it happen for you!

NICKG Financial Designer

